Ditching Dairy

It’s a new year (we can still say that in February, right?) and after a month’s practice run of starting new habits, now is the time to take action and make healthy changes for your body and mind.


We may be biased here at MyLife, but cutting out dairy is one of the best changes you can make to help your body rise to its full potential. Many of us have grown up believing that dairy is the only source of calcium for strong and healthy bones, however, more recent studies have shown dairy is often linked to a myriad of physical health issues.

These include, but are not limited to:

Lactose intolerance and tummy issues

Skin issues such as acne and eczema

Heart Disease

Chron’s Disease


Arthritis and poor bone health


Most cancers

While we must factor in that dairy is unlikely to be the sole cause of any of the above issues, there’s never been a better time to ditch the dairy and try a dairy-free diet.

Here are our top 5 reasons to ditch dairy this year:

1. You might become less bloated

A happy gut is a healthy gut. Unfortunately, many people suffer from bloating issues linked to dairy products. Around 65% of the population have difficulty digesting milk, leading to issues including lactose intolerance and its uncomfortable symptoms. After making the switch and cutting out dairy, it is likely you will find less bloating and discomfort after eating.

2. Your skin will improve

Cows milk often contains hormones, and when those hormones mix with our own human hormones this can lead to the development of skin irritations. Acne can occur, particularly in hormonal areas such as the chin, but skin issues including Eczema can also arise. Ditching dairy can drastically improve the skin’s health and appearance.

3. Your mood may improve

Another point relating to hormones! These animal hormones impact our own, and this can go as far as destabilising our moods. People often find their moods improve noticeably once they eliminate dairy from their diets.

4. You might have more energy

The protein content in dairy has been found to increase inflammation in parts of the body including the thyroid and digestive tract. Giving up dairy can alleviate this inflammation and lead to increased energy and metabolism, both linked directly to thyroid health.

5. You’ll decrease your risk of diabetes

While people often swap full cream milk for low fat, and normal cheese for ‘light’ cheese, the substitutions made with these products often means that sugar is replacing what has been removed. It makes sense that cutting out dairy products all together decreases this sugar intake, thus decreasing your risk of diabetes drastically. It’s not just about the sugar in sweets, we have to remember the sugar in ‘healthy’ foods too.

People often hold back from making dietary changes because they are worried about missing dairy. A recent UK based study found that 45% of people who have considered going vegan have held back due to a fear of missing cheese too much. Never fear! with so many great dairy-free and plant-based options out there, including our impressive range of MyLife Bio Cheese Products, it’s never been easier to ditch dairy for good.

References and further reading

Plant Based News

Business Insider Australia

Vegan.com - Dairy Free Diet Guide

US National Library of Medicine

One Green Planet Health
