10 Easy Ways to Protect Our Planet


In 2020, we’re lucky to have a vast number of opportunities to make a positive impact on the health of our planet. At MyLife, we are huge advocates for the UN’s ActNow movement - a series of 10 easy actions to implement into your daily routine.

Each of us is responsible for building a healthier future. The more people to act, the bigger the impact.

Where can I start?

  1. Conserve Water

    • It’s as simple as taking 5 minute showers or turning off the water while you brush your teeth.

  2. Bring Your Own Bag

    • Reduce your single bag use and the amount of plastic in landfill by purchasing a reusable bag.

  3. Drive Less (And Exercise More)

    • Staying off the road gives you the option to walk, bike or take public transport. Not only does this reduce greenhouse gases, but it also acts as a great form of exercise.

  4. Live Energy Wise

    • Being energy efficient is as simple as remembering to turn off your lights or being mindful of heater and air conditioner use.

  5. Purchase Local Produce

    • Buying local produce supports local farming and businesses, and reduces transportation and refrigeration associated with the food

  6. Eat Sustainable Foods (AKA a plant-based diet)

    • Large-scale food production makes up as much as 25% of greenhouse emissions. This means eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and BioCheese (certainly not a difficult task).

  7. Recycle

    • You can help to reduce pollution by simply putting that glass bottle in the recycling bin

  8. Refill and Reuse

    • Globally, people buy 1 million plastic drinking bottles every minute. Reduce this number by switching to a refillable drink bottle

  9. Unplug

    • You may not realise that many devices continue to consume energy, despite not being used. Unplug these devices from outlets to reduce your individual energy consumption.

  10. Zero-Waste Fashion

    • Be a conscious consumer and only purchase what you need. Other good alternatives include borrowing from others or thrifting.