A Beginners Guide To Going Vegan


Everything You Need To Know To Give Vegan A Go.

If you’ve ever considered going vegan, this Veganuary is the time to try it out.

So what is ‘vegan’ anyway? Veganism is defined by what is excluded in your diet. That means excluding meat, fish, eggs, dairy and all animal products. Even the hidden ones, like whey (from milk) and gelatine (from animal bones).

Most vegans also commit to a more compassionate lifestyle. This could include exclusively using products that are not made from, or tested on animals. Makeup, cleaning products, clothing, accessories, you name it.

How to make the change:

  1. Try a challenge like Veganuary. Sometimes it’s easier to try something new in the company of others, and committing to a month holds you accountable.

  2. It’s all in the planning! You will need to adjust your regular diet to suit a vegan lifestyle. Stock up on your favourite plant-based snacks and alternatives. Our BioCheese products are an easy and convenient way to swap out regular dairy.

  3. Keep your eye out for ‘accidently vegan’ foods! Did you know Oreos, dark chocolate, most tortilla chips and some flavoured pop-corns are vegan? You probably already have a pantry stocked full of vegan snacks. Check out the list here for more great options.

  4. Be kind to yourself. If you slip up and can’t resist a non-vegan treat don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember you’re doing the world a favour just by giving veganism a go.

  5. Search menus for amazing vegan dishes. All your favourite restaurants probably have a great range of vegan options you never would have tried before! Think beautiful pumpkin dishes, salads and marinated miso eggplant – yum!

  6. Join vegan groups on social media. Information, inspiration, expanding your community and hilarious memes. What have you got to lose?

Need some more convincing? Head to any of the following resources for great information, recipes and guides.

Good Luck!