National Biodiversity Month

Biodiversity month is held in September each year to raise awareness about the protection of biodiversity in Australia, and the world. Biodiversity represents the variety of plant and animal life in our world, which we are entirely responsible to protect. We are reminded to stop and think about our environmental impact and what we can do to reduce it.

Did you know that, 95% of farmland in Australia is used by the animal agriculture industry, and one of the main causes of biodiversity loss is due to clearing land for animal farming.

Here at MyLife, we’re passionate about caring for our world and EVERYONE in it. All of us have the power to create change, simply by swapping what goes on our plates. We encourage you to make the BioCheese swap today, for a greener future. 🌱

For more ideas on how to protect our planet, check out our 10 easy actions.
